Monday 12 October 2015

Information has value

Turing the lesson the user must show that information has value. The lesson is about The Happy Birthday song and the tune of 1893.

Learning outcomes
To respect the original ideas of others.
To value the skills, time and effort needed to produce knowledge.
To see themselves as contributors to the information market place rather than only consumers of it.

Extrinsic motivation
Explain the definition of information has value to the users.
- Information possesses several dimensions of value.
- as commodity, as a means of education, as a means of influence and as a means of negotiating and understanding the world. Legal and socioeconomic interests influence information production and dissemination.

Knowledge Practices
Give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation.
Articulate the purpose and distinguishing characteristics of copyright, fair use, open access and the public domain.
Make informed choices regarding their online actions.

Ask the users to get an image of happy birthday from flickr.  Access on 12.10.2015

The above picture is copyrighted under all rights reserved.

Ask the users to put a happy birthday picture on flickr under creative commons license.

Second Activity:

Ask the users to perform the song in public and make a YouTube video of their performance.
They can perform the song in public because it is in the public domain.

Activity Three
Provide a reference citation to that the song Happy Birthday is in the Public Domain.

Higgins.P. 2015. Happy Birthday To Everybody:Victory for the Public Domain. Electronic Frontier Foundation. September 23.

Ask the users to look up 5 more articles that indicate that Happy Birthday is in the public domain and they must provide the result in a short reference list.

To whom does the tune of the Happy Birthday song belong?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Gerald for giving me such a good ideas about using Flickr under creative commons license. Some things wll take for granted that we need to acknowledge the creators of such images.We often see the image and picture to social media and people forget to give the original source of the information
