Tuesday 11 August 2015

Scholarship as conversation

Discuss the information seeking behavior of the postgraduate international student at the University of the Western Cape Library

1 Draft three learning outcomes
1.1. Contribute to scholarly conversation at an appropriate level, such as online communication.
1.2. Critically evaluate contributions by others.
1.3. Identify the contribution particular articles

2. Design three activities
2.1. Student must create a power point, present the findings and make a podcast.
2.2. Students must create a blog
2.3 Students must comment to two blogs of other students.

3. Knowledge practice
Power point and podcast: Create the power point, present the findings and create a podcast and published the podcast online.
Create a blob: Contribute to scholarly conversation at an appropriate level such as online communities.
Evaluate contribution by others.


  1. Hi Gerald

    Although this is an acceptable research topic, I wonder how much research has in fact been done regarding the information seeking behaviour of a specific subset of students at UWC. Have you checked? If there is ample research, it is possible for students to trace the development and change that has taken place over the years and create a literature review....
    Be specific in your instructions: What must students do with the blog that has been created? Where should this blog be created? iKamva or an external platform?With whom should students communicate on the blog?

  2. Hi Gerald

    Try to relate your activities directly to the topic. For example: Discuss your findings on a blog ...OR discuss your findings in a scholarly wiki that focuses on information retrieval behaviour. I do like your ideas though.
    I see 2 Knowledge practices only.
