Friday 31 July 2015

Threshold concepts in information literacy

The above video serve as extrinsic motivational education aid.

Threshold concept
 The term was coined by Meyer and Land. According to Meyer and Land (2003) threshold concepts are  “portal(s), opening up a new and previously inaccessible way of thinking about something. (representing) a transformed way of understanding, or interpreting, or viewing something without which the learner cannot progress.

The picture want to show that the student have to go through the opening. On the other side of the window are many possibilities. The sky is the limit.
Meye and Land also give characteristics to the threshold concepts and they are:
troublesome and
none- or even counter-intuitive

Information Literacy frames

The six Frames are:
1. Authority is constructed and contextual,
2. Information creation as a process,
3. Information has value,
4. Research as inquiry,
5. Scholarship as conversation
6. Searching as strategic exploration
These are just the headings of the information literacy frames they still need to be unpac. Each frame has its knowledge practices and dispositions.


  1. Short and sweet and to the point.

  2. Gerald I always enjoy reading your blog entries as they usual provide a simple summary of what we learn in class and it is usually easy to understand. Thank you for the video, that was quite interesting to see how one hears in class but we do not sometimes listen and understand. Like what happened with me in class when Shehaamah asked me the question "what did she tell us in the beginning of class" and I had completely forgot... Just shows I heard but did not really listen and internalize.

  3. :-)

    I enjoyed the video Gerald..It portrays a good example of a threshold that students need to cross before really understanding this issue of electricity in Physics. Try to alway add a few sentences on your own perception of the video or image that you post to the blog....this will show us the purpose for having chosen this video.
