Sunday 23 August 2015

Research as Inquiry

License: Public Domain
Source: Wikimedia Commons

This the asking of simple to complex questions. New questions will come up as the user engage with the content in the field. The answers that comes from the questions will develop new questions.

Choose a research topic for your students from the list provided
Racism between first year students

Learning outcomes
Formulate questions for research based on information gaps.
Use a variety of research methods.
Determine an appropriate scope of investigation
Limiting the scope of investigation

The phrase given to them must be developed into a proper research question.
E.g. The impact of racism between first year students using the Self Learning Zone at the library of the University of the Western Cape during the first three month of orientation.
Students are ask to compile questionnaires and interview first year student.
Students have to be involve in a problem solving learning activity.

Knowledge Practice
Students formulate a question
Students are asked to formulate a research question. They have to write the research question on a blog post and the other students must comment on the research question. Student to student review of the question. Each student have to review at least two questions on the blog.

Use a variety of research methods.
Each student have to compile a questionnaire, and hand it to the other students to complete.(quantitative research method)
Students must at least interview three students in the self learning zone. They have to draft the interview question.(qualitative research)

Problem solving learning activity
Students have to find information from different sources to answer the question. Students must use books (print), databases, blogs


  1. Hi Gerald, it seems you have only listed 2 activities and not 3. Also you did not indicate which disposition or knowledge practice the activity links with.

  2. Hi Gerald

    You are on the right track though...
    We will dscuss this evening.
