Friday 31 July 2015

Threshold concepts in information literacy

The above video serve as extrinsic motivational education aid.

Threshold concept
 The term was coined by Meyer and Land. According to Meyer and Land (2003) threshold concepts are  “portal(s), opening up a new and previously inaccessible way of thinking about something. (representing) a transformed way of understanding, or interpreting, or viewing something without which the learner cannot progress.

The picture want to show that the student have to go through the opening. On the other side of the window are many possibilities. The sky is the limit.
Meye and Land also give characteristics to the threshold concepts and they are:
troublesome and
none- or even counter-intuitive

Information Literacy frames

The six Frames are:
1. Authority is constructed and contextual,
2. Information creation as a process,
3. Information has value,
4. Research as inquiry,
5. Scholarship as conversation
6. Searching as strategic exploration
These are just the headings of the information literacy frames they still need to be unpac. Each frame has its knowledge practices and dispositions.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Learning theories

This lecture was very theoretical. The distinction between a theory and a model was defined at the beginning of the lesson. The four learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, social learning and constructivism was pointed out and explained.

In a learning situation all these theories are important because people are not the same. If a lesson is design the instructor must take into account that people differ. In the information literacy class will be people with different learning abilities. There will be those people in the information literacy class who needs extrinsic motivation and that is where the behaviorist theory comes in. There are also the people who learn best in social context or from their peers. There are those people who are intrinsically motivated and that is where the cognitivist theory comes in. This is the motivation who comes from the inner person. This person does not need motivation form outside. It is here where the Bloom's taxonomy comes to play. The constructivist theory is the active participating of the learner in the learning activity. The person who get instruction is actively busy in the learning process.

Self-reflection on the progress in the course
After the class the theories make sense. The understanding how to design an information literacy lesson which will include more than one theory. The activities that will be design must make provision for the different participants in the lesson to take part in the lesson. 

External Links

These courses will help the instruction designer with useful tips on how to design the courses. This the information literacy instructor will need.

Saturday 18 July 2015

The first class for information literacy:
The class was informative. It was good to start with an overview of the history of the subject. The concepts was conveyed in an easy terms. I like the term sunset for information literacy standards.The difference between information literacy standards and information literacy frames was high lighted in the first class. The difference between bibliographic instruction and information literacy was also introduced. After the class the difference between the two concepts was clear.

Interesting links:

Feeling about participating in the course:
I am feeling excited.

My relationship with my colleagues in the class is very good, because we will inform each other about the work. If we see that one next to you has a problem one of the class colleagues will offer some assistance.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Introduction to information literacy

Class starts with a basic pre- assessment of information literacy. The lecture gave an overview of the course. Students create a blog.