Saturday 12 September 2015

Information Creation as a Process

Research Topic
The impact of racism between first year students using the Self Learning Zone at the library of the University of the Western Cape.


Constantine ,Madonna G ; Sue ,Derald Wing .2006. Addressing racism : facilitating cultural competence in mental health and educational settings. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons
Dogra, Nish; Kamik, Niranjan. 2003. First-Year Medical students' Attitudes towards Diversity and its Teacching: An Inverstigation at one U.S Medical School.  Academic Medicine.78(1).

LIFT: Limpeh is Foreign Talent

Selected formats:
Book and Article

Explain why you choose the formats:
The formats is easy to find and the user can reference the formats. Both of the formats can be found online. The book can be found in the library  and the article through google scholar database. The catalog of the library is connected to worldcat and the user will be able to locate the item.

Transform formats into other formats:
Blog into poster:No to racism at University and libraries

Students have to make a podcast for the second format as a group activity.